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Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Kolkata Police Recruitment of Civic Volunteers

Kolkata Police invites application from the eligible candidates for 300 posts of Civic Volunteers to be posted under Traffic Department, Kolkata Police. Interested and eligible candidates may apply on prescribed application format.


No. of Vacancies: 300 Nos.

Academic Qualification: Class-VIII pass.
Adequate skill in working on computer and have suitable certificate to claim their expertise.
Preference would be given to the candidates who have done well in sports and have experience as NCC Cadet / Boy Scouts / NSS Guide / Civil Defence Volunteers etc.
Preferably a resident of the area under Traffic Guard where they will be deployed.

Age Limit: Minimum-20 years and maximum-60 years as on 01/09/2017.

Selection Procedure: Selection of the candidates will be through interview.
Selected candidates will have to undergo a 2 weeks training course.
Exact Date, Time and Venue for examination/interview will be intimated to the eligible candidates in due course as well as such information will be also available in the official website of Kolkata Police –

How to Apply: Interested and eligible candidates may apply on prescribed application format along with attested copies of testimonials in support of Academic Qualification, Caste, Age, Experience certificate and any other relevant documents
The envelope containing the print-out/enclosures should be superscribed on top with — “APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF CIVIC VOLUNTEER”

Last Date and Address: The duly filled Application form along with enclosures should reach at the following address — Traffic Training School, 8, Tarashankar Sarani, Kolkata 700 037 (Near Tala Park), on or before 28/09/2017
Candidates may dropped the application form at the drop box placed at above mention address.

For details: 

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