A sessions court in Kolkata pronounced six accused in the Kamduni gangrape and murder case and two others were acquitted. In 7 June 2013, a 20-year-old student was gangraped and brutally murdered at Kamduni. The girl was returning from her college. Eight people were facing trial and one of the accused died in custody during trial. The court is going to pronounce the sentencing today at 3.30 PM.
On the fateful day, the girl was pulled into a farm by nine men when she was walking along a deserted road after alighting from a bus. Her mutilated body was found next morning near the farm.
The six accused are: Ansar Ali Mollah, Saiful Ali, Amin Ali, Bhola Naskar, Imanul Islam and Aminur Islam
Verdict of the accused
Court has pronounced the sentence just now:
Death penalty for 3 and they are: Ansar Ali Mollah, Saiful Ali and Amin Ali
Death imprisonment for 3 and they are: Bhola Naskar, Imanul Islam and Aminur Islam
Death imprisonment for 3 and they are: Bhola Naskar, Imanul Islam and Aminur Islam
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