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Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Merit List 2014 of Barrackpore Rastraguru Surendranath College

Merit List 2014 of Barrackpore Rastraguru Surendranath College for getting admission to undergraduate courses has been published.

Candidates securing the minimum merit points as shown in the following table are considered for the 1st Counselling.

Also Read: Year 2014 - Merit List For Admission To Undergraduate Courses In Kolkata Colleges


Minimum Merit Points

ACFABest 4 + ACCOUNTS322230237280294
ENGABest 4 + SUBJECT375350235339368
GEOABest 4 + SUBJECT390370322380387
JORABest 4 + ENG/BNG300248241-296
CMSABest 4 + PHY/CMS+MATHS368290302404422
MCBABest 4 + CHEM+BIO444375365433425
PHSABest 4 +PHY+MATHS420348329376380
CEMABest 4 +CHEM+MATHS420361378373410
ZOOABest 4  +BIO400379329399382
PSYABest 4 + SUBJECT OR Best 4  X 1.25275230---
FNTABest 4 + CHEM +BIO/NUTRION300283352-315
MTMABest 4  + SUBJECT350280-334344
ELTABest 4  +PHY+MATHS342337--412
PLSABest 4 + SUBJECT OR Best 4  X 1.25255268317303298
PHIABest 4 + SUBJECT OR Best 4  X 1.25270266-264315
EDCABest 4 + SUBJECT OR Best 4  X 1.25300225268.75275271
BNGABest 4  + SUBJECT263217271287292
HISABest 4 + SUBJECT OR Best 4  X 1.25265192276298258.75
HINABest 4 + SUBJECT254226222226271
BBABest 4  +MATHS/B.MATHS/ BEBM341228---
SOCABest 4 + SUBJECT OR Best 4  X 1.25256301.25363325265
ECOABest 4 + SUBJECT OR Best 4  X 1.25297.50290--376.25


Date of Couselling and date for different Honours Subjects: 24.06.2014 onwards, Time 11.00 am onwards

For details: CLICK HERE…


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