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Friday, August 23, 2013

Job vacancies in Durgapur Chemical Limited – DCL


There are number of vacancies in Durgapur Chemical Limited – DCL in different posts. Interested candidates can apply with detail particulars, qualification, experience along with contact number, two copies of passport size photographs. Send the application to “The Company Secretary & In-charge of Personnel Dept. , Durgapur Chemicals Ltd., A Govt. of West Bengal Enterprise, Durgapur- 713215, Dist – Burdwan”.


Details of the vacancies are given below:


Name of the post: Stores Officer

Number of posts: 01

Educational Qualifications and Experience:  Candidate must be 1stt Class Graduate with Post Graduate Degree or Diploma in Materials Management. The candidate should have a minimum 5 years experience in industry in maintaining store materials and spares, accounting of stores item, ERP accounting, maintaining store ledger, bin card, ABC analysis. Candidates with working experience in Chloro Alkali Industry will get advantage.

Age limit: 45 years


Name of the post: Custom & Transport Officer

Number of posts: 01

Educational Qualifications and Experience:  Candidate should be graduate in any stream. Candidates having qualification in Logistic management will get advantage. Candidates should have experience in logistic, movement of vehicles, floating tender for appointment of transporters.

Age limit: 45 years


Name of the post: Officer Trainee

Number of posts: 04

Educational Qualifications and Experience:  Candidate should be CA or ICMA or MBA.  Candidates having experience in accounts and stores will get advantage.

Age limit: 30 years


Name of the post: Junior Officer (Technical)

Number of posts: 01

Educational Qualifications and Experience:  Candidate should be B.Sc (Hons) in Chemistry with 5 years experience in Process control Analysis / raw Materials and finished products.

Age limit: 40 years


Name of the post: Assistant Manager (Purchase & Stores)

Number of posts: 01

Educational Qualifications and Experience:  Candidate should have a Degree in Chemical or Mechanical or Electrical Engineering with Diploma in Business or Materials Management. Candidate should have a minimum 8 years experience in Purchase Department of any organization preferably Chemical Industry.

Age limit: 45 years


Name of the post: Assistant Manager (Internal Audit)

Number of posts: 01

Educational Qualifications and Experience:  Candidate should have a minimum 8 years experience in audit of manufacturing Industry.

Age limit: 45 years


Last date of application: 15 September 2013


Details will be available at:




Durgapur Chemicals Ltd.

A Govt. of West Bengal Enterprise



Postal Code: 713215

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